Retirement is hard. Knowledge is the first step.

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Strategic Path Retirement’s deep experience and complete advisory services personalize the retirement process and help clients plan for a better future. Our team helps clients transition from work to retirement. We navigate taxes, health care, and investments throughout the retirement process. We give clients a better path to imagine a rewarding retirement.

Over the last few years, FOCUS4Financial and Strategic Path leaders saw a synergy to work together. Retirement became a reality for so many near-retirement couples. Companies started adopting better retirement plans for their employees. Today, the companies are one under Strategic Path. Our team gives clients a realistic, open road to imagine a rewarding retirement.

Wealth Management Services | About Strategic Path Retirement

We hope that you will learn a little more about us today. We are passionate about people – our families, friends, clients, and the communities in which we work and live.

Our Team

Brian Hill

Managing Partner / Advisor

412-489-5174 | Email

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Brian Hill loves to explore parks and trails with his wife, Caitlin, and their four children, Mason, Jake, Beckett, and Cora. On the weekends you can find him coaching his kid's sports teams. In his downtime, Brian loves to read. 

Brian was fascinated by finances at an early age. Growing up in a middle-class family, he knew if he wanted something beyond the necessities, he had to work to pay for it. He began college as a marketing major but switched to finance and never looked back. "I was enthralled by investments and the financial markets from that point forward," says Brian.

His first job out of college was selling mutual funds, but he quickly learned he was not cut out to be a salesperson, so he left to work for a bank where he helped clients with their investment portfolios. "This is where I learned the importance of financial planning. To this day, I find the greatest fulfillment in my work when I help solve a complex problem for my clients."

Candor and honesty are the personality traits Brian relies on the most to perform his job. "Having all of the financial aptitudes in the world isn't useful if you can't honestly share the best recommendations with your clients. Sometimes you must tell someone that they can't retire at a certain age, or they may need to decrease their spending or work longer. Those are hard conversations to have, but you need to be honest to help them reach their goals."

Brian's credentials include:

  • Bachelor's degree from Mercyhurst University with a concentration in finance
  • MBA from Robert Morris University
  • Insurance licensed in life, health, and disability insurance in PA, WV, OH, SC, and NC
  • Earned his CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Certification or CFP® Certification

Bob Malcolm

Managing Partner / Advisor

412-913-7203 | Email

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Bob was born and raised in Pittsburgh, PA. He and his wife, Marla, have known each other since high school and have four young adult children (Cian, Olan, Amaleen, and Aislin).  
He started his academic career in the honors college at Penn State (University Park) and finished at Robert Morris. 
He plays golf infrequently opting for pickleball, tennis, or disc golf.  He also runs with his dog(s) in many local parks around the city.
Bob is a managing partner at Strategic Path Retirement. FOCUS4Financial and Strategic Path merged in 2022. Bob has worked in the retirement industry since 1992. Bob has provided advisory services to hundreds of companies at Strategic Path, FOCUS4Financial, Principal Financial, and Federated Investors.
He has created Focus on Finance Literacy (, an educational resource that seeks to eradicate financial illiteracy, and is a speaker/presenter for employer-employee workshops on numerous financial topics.
Bob's credentials include:

  • A registered investment advisor. 
  • Life and health insurance license. 
  • Designations of Accredited Investment Fiduciary (AIF®), Retirement Income Certified Planner (RICP), Certified Plan Fiduciary Advisor (CPFA), and Professional Plan Consultant (PPC).

Edie Meyer

Partner / Advisor

412-489-5174 | Email

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Edie Meyer enjoys spending time with her husband, Bill, and their twins, Will and Marleen. For Edie, nothing beats a good book, the family's Friday pizza nights, or surprising everyone with a fresh batch of her famous chocolate chip cookies.

Edie never envisioned working in the financial services industry. Her first job out of college was a sales position and she came to realize she enjoyed helping people more than selling them a product. She developed an interest in banking, which led to a career in banking and the finance industry. "By nature, I am a person who enjoys helping others to meet their goals. In my day-to-day activities, I am fortunate to have the opportunity to be a part of our clients' financial journey," says Edie.

"I believe you should always be grateful, feel blessed, and be thankful for all your journeys in life," says Edie.

Edie's credentials include:

  • Bachelor's degree in communications with a psychology minor from Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
  • Pennsylvania insurance license in life, health,  and disability insurance
  • Pennsylvania notary
  • Earned her Chartered Retirement Planning Counselor (CRPC®) designation

Edward Schoeb

Financial Planner

412-489-5174 | Email

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When Ed Schoeb isn't running between sporting events, he and his wife, Mara, and their four children enjoy the outdoors and cycling together. Hilton Head Island is the family's favorite vacation spot.

When Ed was only a teenager, he reached a milestone of $10,000 in savings and asked his uncle, Bob, where he could get a better return on his money than the local church credit union. "I always considered him to be the smartest person in the room, but he didn't have an answer for me. That's the moment when my journey in the financial world began," says Ed.

Ed also learned some tough lessons from his father who never trusted anyone with his money and ended up making some poor decisions with his retirement savings. "Trying to fix bad decisions 20 years after the fact is often detrimental to one's retirement. That's why we strive to help our clients avoid critical mistakes before they happen."

Ed believes that honesty and integrity are the greatest traits he can offer his clients. "Anyone will do business with you because they like you, but no one will refer their friends and family to you unless they trust you."

Ed's credentials include:

  • Bachelor's degree in business administration from the University of Pittsburgh
  • Pennsylvania insurance license in life, health,  and disability insurance

Will Meyer

Advisor Assistant

412-489-5174 | Email

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Will recently graduated Summa Cum Laude from Pennsylvania Western University-Clarion. At Clarion, Will studied Business with a focus on Finance and a minor in Data Analytics while also playing golf for the university. During his last two years as a student, he successfully completed two internships with Strategic Path. Additionally, he worked as a caddy at the Pittsburgh Field Club, a position he has held from the age of 15.

His admiration for numbers and money led him to pursue a career in finance and data analytics. Will mentions that his mom has influenced him and helped him choose his career path; he has always admired her field of work and her work ethic.

Will passed his first securities exam SIE while in college and is now busy studying for his investments license. He plans on moving forward to study to become a Certified Financial Planner in the future.

In his free time, Will enjoys going to the gym, playing golf, and engaging in outdoor activities like hunting and fishing. He also loves to spend time creating new recipes to use with his smoker.

Will's credentials include:

  • Bachelor's degree in Business from Penn Western University – Clarion
  • Graduated Summa Cum Laude
  • Honors Program where his senior thesis was titled "Capitalizing on Your Retirement Goals"

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